27 October 2008


Anyone who enjoys weirdos from Oklahoma city owes it to themselves to check out the myspace of a band called Stardeath and White Dwarfs, in particular the track "Point It At Another". In fact, anyone who enjoys weirdos, or laser orgies, or awesome, awesome, AWESOME space rock does as well. Yes, their name is a mouthful and that can be a hurdle in gaining new fans, but ***DO NOT*** let that stop you from listening to this band. You may be saying, "Why didn't they just name the band STARDEATH and be done with it? That's totally sick!!" Well, you're right, but it's irrelevant. Nirvana is a stupid name for a band, too. I'm not saying these guys are the next Nirvana, but I WILL say that they are opening for The Flaming Lips at their New Years Eve OKC show. Did I mention the laser orgies? 

Poster for OKC New Years Show......Wonderous.  

Also, here's band-member Dennis on the band's name, for you curious readers out there: "I had a dream that me and Casey were flying on a dying star through the centre of the Earth. We came out of one side, and we were at the dawn of creation, getting ready to play a show in front of God and the Devil that was set to open up the new universe. Once we realised that a dying star was a white dwarf, the rest was easy." 

1 comment:

PMom said...

I have to get back to you on this one, Buddy.....This is perfect.....I didnt have my list with me so when I went to search I typed in "Death Star and The Seven Dwarfs" and when that didnt work: "Death Star and Snow White"........oh well........you habe to remember, it's "Hallowen Week"at the dance school and I've seen TOO mnay REAL princesses......Love MLP