Maybe it's just my infantile yearning for the oceanic sensation of the womb, or maybe it's because I've switched from drinking coffee to tea, but something has made my mind go all mooshy for dreamy, drifting, warm, synth-washed stuff lately. Some of Flying Lotus' stuff fits that bill, but even his songs that don't are relentlessly awesome and, while not akin to merging with a hot bath, will take you on a weird-but-catchy prenatal journey. Both of his albums--1983 and Los Angeles--are worth getting your hands on, especially the latter. More on the Lotus later...he's gonna have to be a longer post. Burial's latest record, Untrue, does fit the aforementioned bill. It is darkly beautiful--surprisingly so--even if you enter the arrangement expecting the best. The lyrics toy with dancefloor inanity, but that seems to mesh well (for some reason...) with the ghost ship synths and skeleton beats. Each track is a sticky hive of murmuring bliss, a barely-conscious sonic revelation. This record will take you underground, and, as I said before, what lurks there is very surprising. All in all, this isn't yer average dance record. Put it on the next time it rains and make sure you stand in a bucket, 'cause you're gonna fucking melt.
Gee, did anyone tell you that you are a wonderful writer? Very visual. I'm proud! I'm enjoying hearing about all your music. It's making me feel very old though because I haven't heard of any of them! Keep up the good work.
dude, that sounds fucking sick. the way you descibe it on the blog was so much better than in person. im guna haft to look this shit up.
love the writing man relly deep shit. im guna go buy a bucket for later. peace.
thanks auntie sherri! i'm blushing at work... don't worry, i'm gonna write about some older stuff, too. thanks will. i didn't understand what you meant about the bucket, then i remembered that i wrote about it.
Ooooh, that picture is scary......just in time for Halloween....I'm on my way to listen to this one. I'll get back to you......Love,You Know Who
I love this one too. So good. I've been trying to get my hands on the Soul Jazz dancehall and dub step compilations for some time now, but for free. I guess that's why it's taking so long, because I am a cheap fuck and obviously undervalue music, in that I don't pay for it. Sharebee and megaupload and rapidshare can only get you so far as they wash you down the abyss of the democritization of stealing artist's work but also making it available to the lazy bohemians with laptops and screen gazing mush brain malfunction. I miss our discussions!
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