09 June 2009


Um, so this post actually has nothing to do with music. As such, it will be brief. I felt like I had to, however, show you all a little sample of one of my favorite blogs: Radstronomical, which belongs to my buddy Diego (shout outz), an up-and-coming artist and animator who is, well, pretty fucking radstronomical.

There's a link on the sidebar over yonder, and it's been there, but I wanted to give you a little sample of Diego's stuff. Check him out, waste a bunch of time on his blog, and enjoy.


Radstronomical said...

Hey! You're Great!

I was really confused when I clicked your blog on my rss and my picture came up.

LAudaP said...

Hahaha YES it worked

that wasn't actually my plan

plus, you're great

Baby Bear said...

Also, this cartoon totally captures the dynamic of drunk Loren and sober Becca. Except less carrying and more sandwiches.

LAudaP said...

Haha maybe that's why I liked it so much...