There was a time, when I was very, very young, When Metallica Ruled. Not only were they good, they were the best--arguably the asskickingest band in the world. The Metallica that still exists, that still tours with a totally badass opening band (The Sword--get some.), is and is not the same Metalica...but their latest incarnation is a different animal entirely.
What can we begrudge a long-time hard rocking band the end of their magic? I guess that depends a lot on your temperament. Metallica have created at least three of my all time favorite albums, but that doesn't mean I have to like their new shit. It's the complexity of music that makes it so awesome, people. Right?
But, since I owe so much to Metallica, I don't want to disrespect in the name of my own vanity. For realz.
Metallica has been doing a few very awesome, kinda-music related things lately that I want to acknowledge. I'd like my appreciation to ooze out into their havoc-wrought realm.
First: Metallica is a pretty powerful band. In fact, it has such a pull on the heartstrings of Hessians 'round the globe that it can, as a group, ask a young face-melting band from Texas to join them, and Boom: you're opening for Metallica. I mean, these guys aren't too much older than I am. That dude they're sitting next to at the bar, that dude they may or may not be hurling on, that dude is KIRK HAMMETT. And so when The Sword played in DC, I happened to pee next to that dude, and as we were actively peeing, we shared a few words of rejoicing over the solo to "One". That's right. In any case, The Sword could not refuse. Who are you to refuse The Sword?
Second: Kirk Hammett and James Hetfield are regular voice actors on the Adult Swim cartoon Metalocalypse. First of all, this is one of the best shows on television (although I haven't actually seen it on TV in a while...does anyone know if this got picked up again??). The comedy is perfect, and the songs absolutely kick ass. I'm endlessly impressed with this show every time I see it. These two usually contribute voices for Dethklok's goofy/totally insane fanbase. Even if you hated Death Magnetic, you can appreciate these guys' acting talent. I'm not kidding.
Oh sure mention the guitarist peeing beside you when I was peeing in there too. I see where you stand now. See if I ever pee in the restroom in the Rock N Roll Hotel ever again! My computer may get water damage from these tears rocketing at it.
Dude, don't water damage your computadora over my insensitive ass!
You were there too, bud. And I was proud.
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